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DataFlex Decompiler

Windows NT and DataFlex WebApp Server Installation Notes

by Curtis Krauskopf

Table of Contents:


If you want to start now, click here and then read these instructions while the hard drive is formatting on your target system.

Installing Windows NT and all of the components and service packs that the DataFlex WebApp Server needed was a very frustrating experience.  The main problem was the lack of documentation that told me what order to install which components.  Sometimes, obvious simplifications would cause problems in the final installation and the entire installation would have to be restarted from scratch.  For example, it didn't make sense to me to install Internet Explorer 4 if I was going to later install Internet Explorer 5.  Why not just install Internet Explorer 5 instead?  Because service pack 4 needs IE4 installed before IE5 is installed.

It also didn't make sense to me to install dial up networking because the laptop I was using didn't have a modem and I had no plans on installing a modem.  To make the Microsoft ASP system install correctly, though, dialup networking must be installed.  What Microsoft (or the documentation) don't tell you is that TCP/IP resources are installed when dial up networking is installed.

I was so frustrated at this whole installation process that at one point I began calling the target computer Crasher .  That name stuck, and it's even in the installation notes.

Another frustrating factor was that nothing in the DAC documentation told me how to obtain the Windows NT Server 4.0 Option Pack.  I eventually found it on the Microsoft web site but it was only available (at that time) to MSDN subscribers.  Since I wasn't an MSDN subscriber and I didn't want to pay the $400+ to become an MSDN subscriber, I called a local NT specialist.  They kindly burned a CD for me with the option pack that I needed.  The charge was pretty minimal.

Fortunately, the Windows NT Server 4.0 Option Pack is now publicly available.  You can obtain it at Microsoft NT Recommended Downloads.

When I originally installed the DataFlex Web App Server, the only approved service pack was SP4.  Since then, I've been using service pack 6A and it has worked well for me.  You can get the 6A service pack at Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a.

Target Hardware

These installation instructions have been successfully used to install Window NT Workstation, the option packs and the DataFlex Web App Server on the following platforms:

  • Compaq Laptop with a 9G hard drive and 64 meg of memory
  • Monorail (clone) with a 10G hard drive and 128 meg of memory
  • Dell Latitude laptop with 4G hard drive and 40 meg of memory

At various points throughout the installation process, appropriate OEM device drivers are loaded on the machine.  These steps are optional if the default Windows NT drivers are sufficient or the original OEM drivers are not available.

The NT Workstation machine is networked through a Linksys hub to Windows 95 and Windows 98 machines.  One of my goals is to install NT in a way that allows it to communicate to the other machines on the network.

Products and CDs needed:


Where to obtain it


Windows NT Workstation CD and installation diskettes

Local computer stores and at online software stores.

Installation diskettes are not needed if your CD and BIOS allow a cold boot from the CD.

OEM hardware drivers

  1. Video
  2. CD
  3. NIC Card

From your computer maker


Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack CD

Download from Microsoft or obtain a burned CD from your favorite local NT shop.


Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1

Free from Microsoft.

Subsequent versions of IE5 were made available.  IE5.5 can also be obtained from the Microsoft Web Site.

FrontPage 2000

Local computer stores and at online software stores.


Visual DataFlex 6.0 (or better)

Data Access Corporation


Web App 2.0 (or better)

Data Access Corporation


Web App Server Installation Instructions
(c) 2000 The Database Managers, Inc.

At various points throughout the installation, you may see Big Scary Messages that warn you that you are about to run a program or that the program's authentication can not be verified.  Just ignore those messages and do whatever you need to continue the installation.

Steps that take a while to complete are documented in this color.  You can take a coffee break, go to lunch or do something without affecting the overall time it takes to complete the task.

Part 1:  Windows NT Installation and hard drive formatting



  1. Insert the Windows NT Workstation CD into CD bay.
  2. Cold boot the machine
  3. Enter the BIOS setup while the machine is booting
  4. Set the CD-ROM as the primary boot device
  5. Save the BIOS settings and reboot
  6. When the Windows NT installation starts, press Enter to do a complete install
  7. Press Enter to skip additional devices
  8. PgDn to read the contract
  9. F8 to continue
  10. N to install a fresh copy of NT
  11. Enter to accept the equipment list
  12. D, Enter, L to delete the partition
  13. Create a partition size of 4000 meg
  14. Enter to install on the specified partition
  15. Choose Format partition using NTFS
  16. [wait while the hard drive formats]
  17. Follow prompts using defaults.
  18. Choose custom installation
  19. Follow the prompts until you finish NT installation.
  20. In the Network Installation section:   Choose "The computer will participate on a network." even if you don't plan on putting the computer on a network.

    Also choose "Remote Access to the Network".
  21. Follow the prompts until you get control again.

Diskette installation is obviously slightly different than CD installation.

These instructions set up a 4 gig NTFS partition as the primary boot partition.  Even though the drives were larger than 4 gig, I only formatted and used the first four gig because that is all I needed for Windows NT and Web App Server.

Consult the Microsoft Knowledge Base for instructions on how to install larger partitions.

If you skipped the introduction and you are now waiting for the hard drive to format, click here to go back and read the introduction and other information.

Even though it might be tempting to disable some parts of the NT system that you think you won't need, DON'T  DO IT!

There are many subtle interactions between the NT components.  Removing one can disable other seemingly unrelated features.

Part 2:  Verify the Installation Was Successful



  1. Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Event Viewer

Check the Event Viewer

There shouldn't be any errors in the event viewer at this point.  If there are, that means you may have a hardware incompatibility. 

See part 7 for instructions on installing the Event Viewer on the desktop.

Part 3:  Install the OEM Screen Driver



  1. Start | Control Panel | Display | Settings | Display Type | Change | Have Disk
  2. Insert OEM Driver CD and wait for it to spin up.
  3. Enter D:\ for path and Browse
  4. Choose \Driver_CD\Drivers\Video\NT40\atirage
  5. Open | Okay
  6. Choose ATI RAGE LT PRO AGP 2X
  7. Follow prompts and close
  8. Remove CD
  9. Warm boot

This part is optional if you are satisfied with the default drivers.

Naturally, modify these instructions to be appropriate for the location of your OEM's drivers.

Part 4:  Verify Operating System Boots without Assistance



  1. (only do this step if you did NOT install the OEM screen driver in the previous part)
    Start | Shutdown | Restart
  2. Enter the BIOS setup while the machine is booting
  3. Change the boot priority so that the HD boots first
  4. Save BIOS and Warm boot
  5. Ok the warning about a new graphics adapter.  (This appears only if you installed an OEM driver in Part 3)
  6. Disable Windows NT welcome screen
  7. Check the event log (see part 2)

ATIRAGE is throwing errors into the event log on bootup.  Ignore those errors for now and see if we can fix this problem after installing SP4.

Part 5:  Option Pack 4.0 Installation



  1. Insert Windows NT Option Pack 4.0 in CD
  2. Install
  3. Windows NT Service Pack 3 (X86)
  4. [Follow prompts]
  5. warm boot

Video problem seems to be fixed after the Option Pack 4.0 was installed.

Part 6:  Video Configuration



  1. Right click any blank area on the desktop
  2. Choose Properties
  3. settings |.....
        true color
        small fonts
        1024 by 768 pixels
        60 Hz
  4. plus |.....
        smooth edges of screen fonts
        show icons using all possible colors
  5. appearance |.....
        item | active window border | color | other
        choose an orange color
  6. ok, ok

Configuration of the video is completely optional.

I prefer to have an orange border around the active window.  This helps me to quickly see which window is the active one.

Part 7:  Install the Event Viewer on the Desktop



  1. Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer
  2. Navigate to:
    c:\WinNT\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools (Common)\Event Viewer
  3. Right click on:
    Event Viewer | Create Shortcut
  4. Drag Event Viewer(2) to the desktop
  5. Change the name to Event Viewer
  6. Close Explorer

While this part is optional, it's really a good idea to put the Event Viewer in a location where it's easy to check.

The mouse is acting strange ever since I changed the screen.  A warm reboot does not fix the problem.  The mouse seems to be confused about whether I am double clicking or single clicking, and sometimes it thinks I am dragging when I'm just moving the mouse.  We'll see if this problem goes away later.

Part 8:  Verify Networking



  1. Double click on Neighborhood Network.
  2. If you only see the Entire Network entry, then click on Start | Find | Computer
  3. Enter an appropriate computer name.
  4. Don't worry if you can't see any of the contents of the target computer.  Network configuration is in Part 14.

Verify that networking to the other computers (called Desktop and Laptop on my network) works okay.

If you are unable to see other computers on the network, then obtain help from somebody.  There could be any one of a number of possible problems.

Part 9:  Install IE 4.01 and SP1



  1. Insert Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack CD
  2. Install (difficult to see on the left hand black panel)
  3. Internet Explorer 4.01 (X86)
  4. [Follow the prompts]
  5. Choose Full Installation:
        IE 4.01 SP1
        MS Outlook Express
        MS FrontPage Express
        Web Publishing Wizard
        MS Chat 2.1
        Multimedia Enhancements
  6. This takes a while
  7. Warm boot

When you insert the CD, a panel should automatically display.  If it doesn't, do this:

Start | Programs | Windows NT Explorer ...

Navigate to:


Choose default.htm

Part 10:  Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack Configuration



  1. Close IE4.0 Active Desktop Tour
  2. To turn off active desktop:
        Right click on any blank desktop area
            Active Desktop

            Smooth Edges of Screen Fonts
            Show Icons using all possible colors

  3. Examine event viewer for devices or drivers that aren't installing.
  4. Reinsert Windows Option Pack 4.0 in the CD
  5. Install  (almost hidden on the left panel)
  6. Install Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack
  7. Next when Option Pack Setup appears.
  8. [follow prompts]
  9. Choose Customize
  10. Personal Web Server (PWS) | Show Subcomponents | World Wide Web Sample Site (select the checkbox)
  11. Internet Service Manager (select)
  12. Online Documentation (in the Subcomponents of Personal Web Server)
  13. Select the checkbox to remove the gray shaded checkmark.  It should turn into an unchecked box.
  14. Select the box again it should turn into a normal checked checkbox.
  15. Okay
  16. Next
  17. [follow prompts]
  18. [takes a long time to copy files]
  19. Finish
  20. Yes to reboot
  21. Warm boot

The Active Desktop appears after the boot.  I will disable the Active Desktop.  You can leave it on if you want.

No problems were logged in the event viewer about devices or drivers not installing..

If you get a warning about the Microsoft Gopher service no longer being supported, just click OK to have it removed.

Something in the previous part fixed the mouse.  This is the first boot in which the mouse is no longer acting strangely.

Part 11:  Configuration of Internet Explorer 4



  1. Double click IE icon on desktop
  2. Internet Connection Wizard appears
  3. Next
  4. Choose:  I want to set up a new connection ... (LAN).
  5. Next
  6. Choose:  Connect using my LAN
  7. Next
  8. No proxy server
  9. Next
  10. No Internet email account now
  11. Next
  12. No Internet News account
  13. Next
  14. No Internet directory service (address book)
  15. Next | Finish
  16. Error:  IE cannot open the Internet site
    A connection with the server could not be established.

    [This is okay -- I don't want to connect to Microsoft anyway and I don't have the Internet connected to this computer.]
  17. Double click the IE desktop icon again
  18. [Same error message appears, we'll fix that right away]
  19. View | Internet Options | General | Home Page
  20. Enter:  http://localhost/
  21. Ok
  22. Click HOME on the IE4 icon bar.
  23. The Peer Web Services screen should appear.
  24. [Click around for a while and try things.  The only thing that failed for me was the ODBC reports.]

The IE4.0 tutorial appears again, but this time it has a checkbox that disables it.  Click the check and forever close the tutorial.

Part 12:  Test that Active Server Pages (ASP) are working



  1. In IE4, Enter http://localhost/iissamples/ExAir
  2. This should load the default.asp file in that directory.
  3. On the top left hand corner, under News, verify that the news items scroll.  If so, then ASP is working.  If not, then something was not installed right and ASP is not working.

The DataFlex Web App Server requires Active Server Pages.  If ASP is not working at this stage, then something is wrong with the installation.  If you followed the instructions in this document, then you shouldn't have a problem.

Part 13:  Install Internet Explorer 5



  1. Double click the IE5 installation executable that you downloaded from Microsoft.
  2. [follow the prompts]
  3. Choose: install minimal or customize your browser
  4. Next
  5. Add these items:
        Microsoft virtual machine
        Macromedia Shockwave
        Macromedia Flash player
        Web Folders
  6. Next
  7. [takes a long time to copy files]
  8. finish
  9. Warm boot

Part 14:  Network Configuration



  1. Check Events log for bad drivers or tasks
  2. Clear the events log
  3. Verify that the Desktop and Crasher can see each other.
  4. The desktop can not log onto Crasher.  Fix this by creating a Curtis user on Crasher:
    Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | User Manager | User | New User
  5. [follow prompts]
    Password Never Expires
  6. Groups:  Administrators
  7. (Add)
  8. Ok
  9. Close the User Manager
  10. Try to access Crasher from Desktop.  It should succeed by displaying an empty Crasher directory:
    (on Desktop:)  Neighborhood Network
  11. Allow Crasher to share its resources:
    (on Crasher):
            Internet Explorer
            Address:  c:\
            Up one directory level
            Right click C:
            Properties | Sharing | New Share
            Share Name:  CDrive
            Comment:  Crasher C:
            Permissions button
            Verify Name is Everyone and Type of Access is Full Control.
            Ok (closes new share)
            Ok (closes properties)
  12. In Desktop's \\Crasher directory:
            View | Refresh

    CDrive should now appear.
  13. Try accessing the Crasher localhost from the Desktop:
    In a Desktop browser, set the address for:

    The Web Publishing for Windows default page should appear.

The Events log should not be showing any bad drivers or tasks.

The two computer names being used here are Crasher (the target of the Windows NT installation) and Desktop (a Windows 98 machine).

I create a Curtis user on Crasher because my login on my Windows 98 machine is Curtis.  Windows 98 will use the same user name to access resources on the Windows NT machine.

Since I don't care (much) about security on my local network, I gave Curtis full administrative rights.  I recommend doing this the first time.  Once the entire installation is successful, come back to this part and give your account appropriate rights.

Part 15:  Install Service Pack 4



  1. Insert SP4 CD in drive
  2. Service Pack 4 installation for Intel-based system
  3. [takes a while]
  4. ok
  5. Warm boot

This also installs the Y2K upgrade for Windows NT 4.

Part 16:  Installation Check



  1. Try to access both Crasher and Desktop from each other.
  2. Verify ASP pages are still working.
  3. Examine and clear all logged events

No problems were logged.

Part 17:  Install FrontPage 2000



  1. Insert the FrontPage 2000 CD
  2. [follow prompts]
  3. warm boot
  4. [installation finishes after the boot]

Part 18:  Visual DataFlex Installation



  1. Insert Visual DataFlex CD
  2. Install Acrobat:   Install Viewers | Acrobat 3.1
  3. Install Word97:  Install Viewers | Word 97
  4. Install VDF:  Installing and Using VDF6

Supply appropriate registration codes from DAC for VDF to successfully complete.

Part 19:  Web App Server Installation



  1. Insert WebApp CD
  2. [follow prompts]
  3. warm boot

If you don't have a permanent registration code, then you can use the temporary registration for a while.

Part 20:  Test Web App Server Installation



  1. Start IE5.  Try to access and run the following test pages:
  2. http://localhost/WasASPTest
  3. http://localhost/WebAppSample
  4. http://localhost/WebAppShop
  5. http://localhost/DynStyle
  6. http://localhost/DynContPub

Part 21:  Install some useful shortcuts on the Quick Launch bar



  1. Right click on Start
  2. Explore
  3. Navigate to:  \WinNT\Profiles\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
  4. Open another Start Menu:  right click on Start | Explore
  5. In the explorer window, choose            c:\WinNT\Profiles\Administrator\Start Menu | Programs
  6. Move the explorer window to the side so that the work areas of both explorers are visible.
  7. Ctrl+left click on Command Prompt, and drag it to the explorer showing the Quick Launch icons
  8. In the second explorer, navigate to WebApp Server 2.0.
  9. Ctrl+left click Web App Studio and drag it over to the Quick Launch explorer.
  10. Do the same thing for Web App Server, Database Builder and Database Explorer.
  11. In the new explorer window, navigate to:
    c:\WinNT\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs
  12. Ctrl+left click Microsoft FrontPage and drag it to the explorer showing the Quick Launch Icons
  13. The quick launch icons should appear on your Quick Launch bar immediately.
  14. Close everything.

This part is optional. 



Did these installation instructions help you?  Can you suggest improvements?

Please email me at and tell me about the experience you had in installing DataFlex Web App Server on Windows NT.  I'm not qualified to help resolve any problems -- if its not in these instructions, then I can't help you.

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